Monday, July 29, 2024

Run 188 - Grand from Shilo to 52nd

July 29, 2024

Back on Run 113, it was too dark to run down Grand so that section of road has languished for quite a while but with this project wrapping up, it had to be done.  

I parked at the church at Grand and 41st and headed east on the south side of the road, facing traffic.  At 6am there wasn’t much traffic but every time a car or truck came by I’d stop, step off the road into the weedy shoulder and let them pass.  Here are some of the views:

I am always amused by the litter I see on these runs.  I think that Twisted Tea cans are the most common followed by cigarette butts, teeth flossing tools, and fast food trash.  Across from the Cornerstone Community Church I saw this:

I suppose I could have picked those up but, Bo, I don’t want to carry them.  I continued on.

I arrived at 52nd Street and this was my turn around.

Heading east I am welcomed by a beautiful sunrise colored by the smoke from the various fires burning west of here.

I passed 43rd, a dead end that didn’t look familiar, so I did an out-and-back.  It turns out I’d run it before.

That wrapped up Grand Avenue, at least this missing section.

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Some final thoughts

August 4, 2024 The wrap up article from the press: