Saturday, July 6, 2024

Run 185 - Finishing up Briarwood

July 6, 2024

It another Saturday and Shelley and I met at the Y but with few, if any, runners, we headed to Briarwood to finish off the street in that neighborhood.  I made my first jaunt here on June 24 which is written up here which was a 4.6 mile run.  Today route looks to be a bit longer.

What the map doesn’t show is that this area is quite hilly.  After yesterday’s run, which was all hills, it would be nice to run something flat but that was not on the agenda today.

Off we went….

They are pretty clear that they don’t want anyone on their gold course who doesn’t belong.

A sample house:

The view…

Check out the retaining wall on this place:

More photos from along the way…

We made it to the far end of McMasters and headed back uphill.

We stopped to look at some yard art.

I’m glad that I’m not mowing that.

More photos from along the way….

We headed east on Briarwood and town onto Cardiff Road to circle that neighborhood.  There’s a hill of two.

We turned onto in aid and spotted some wildlife.

Then on Dozer, Shelley almost got trample by one of those.  I shot this photo right before it ran across the road.  If you look closely you can see its legs under the tree branch next to that black car.

Here’s zoomed in look:

We continued through that neighborhood.

The map showed us going back down to Briarwood Blvd. a turning left and taking that out a way.  However, we didn’t get far before running into a gate.

We turned around and headed back to where we’d parked.  It was a bit shorter that we thought it would be but with the hills, that was fine with us.

It’s interesting to note that when I ran this area on June 24 I did the exact same distant, 4.61 miles at the same pace.  Weird consistency.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Run 184 - Rehberg Estates

July 5, 2024

I hadn’t made a plan for today’s run until Shelley tested me late yesterday and said we should do a run or a bike ride as she had the day off.  I’d already created a map for Rehberg Estates and had told her I’d save it for when she could join me as it had a big hill.  So, that was the plan.

We decided to meet at the parking area of their mail boxes at 7:30.  Just before I left she texted me about a traffic accident that had Zimmerman Trail closed, a route I’d normally take to get there, so I went the long way around via the airport.  When we met she said they only had the downhill side closed and it appeared to be a single vehicle, motorcycle event.

Rehberg Estates is out on the prairie just west of the airport and is, well, rather upscale.  There is no through street so the traffic there is pretty much confined to the residents but the place isn't exactly “quiet.”  There is a gun club on the adjacent ridge and they are right under the departing flight path for the airport.

The map looked like this:

We decided to get that long out-and-back at the bottom of the map done first.  So we left that mail box building and headed out going south.

A stop to remove a rock from shoe.

We turned around and headed back north.  The hard painted sign advertise parking for last summer’s air show for $25, cash.

We did an out-and-back on Trails End Rd. which took us by the entry to the gun club.

We then looped through our first residential area, Rifle Creek Trail, Winchester, and Browning.  I see a pattern.

We headed back into the main part of the neighborhood which is bounded by state land and we saw an access point.

We went past their neighborhood park and looped around to to a dead end.  Someone had painted “GO NAVY” on the street.  I am sure that violated something but as a Navy brat I don’t disapprove.

We headed on north and made a right at this intersection on Saddleback Trail.  Here’s some houses we ran by.

On down to the bottom of the big hill and the end of the pavement.

Now we head back up the big hill.  That’s about when we started hearing the gunshots from across the way.

We did a short out-and-back and I stopped to grab a video to record a gunshot.

We saw a nice strawberry patch.

Some more nice yard art.

Gram’s Court has a roundabout and a basketball court.

We were nearing the end of the run and saw the backside of some houses on this dead end street.

We finished up with 6.53 miles.  It was one of the better runs in this project.

Run 185 - Finishing up Briarwood

July 6, 2024 It another Saturday and Shelley and I met at the Y but with few, if any, runners, we headed to Briarwood to finish off the stre...