Saturday, August 3, 2024

Run 194 - Daybreak and Trails West subdivision, the wrap up

August 3, 2024

The finally arrived, the last route to complete this project and what I fine run it was.  Notice of the event was spread on the Rim Runners’ Facebook page and we had 15 of us show up about 7am to run this route.

  Shelley and I gave a bit of an overview of the project.  (Note, many of the photo credits go to Shelley.)

….and then we took off to cover this, the last route:

It was a beautiful morning and I led us into the northwest entry to Trails West and introduced the group the to out-and-backs we do to cover all the streets in a neighborhood.  The streets were quiet and the few residents that were out seemed amused by the group doing a run through their neighborhood.

There were quite a few of these short dead ends as I can pretty much guess that within the next year or so they will become through roads as this neighborhood expands.

On we went, looping through the streets and doing the out-and-backs to pick up the leftovers.

Some light yard art.

A U.S. Marine flag on this house.

We finished up those streets and exits on 56th Street.  There is a bike path that will take up back to Grand Ave.

Once back on Grand we headed east for a block and turned into the Daybreak subdivision.  The is just a big look with some short out-and-backs on the east side of the loop.

After that it was back to where we parked for a celebration. We started with a group photo.

I brought some drinks and snacks including some cinnamon raisin scones I baked before the run.  I pasted the master maps to the side of my car so everyone could see what had been covered.  We had a great time and after a few minutes the reporters from the Billings Gazette showed up and interviews Shelley and me.  It should be fun seeing this in the press.

Here’s today’s stats:

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Some final thoughts

August 4, 2024 The wrap up article from the press: