Thursday, June 13, 2024

Run 177 - Some roads around the airport

June 13, 2024

I wasn’t in the mood for a long run and remembered that I this short one mapped out so it was a good choice for this morning.

The main road is Overlook Drive which is a sort of service road for the airport.  In the middle is a loop, Terminal Drive, which goes past the airport terminal and loops around one of the parking lots.

I parked on the rims in one of the new lots on the west end of the route, crossed the highway headed west to cover that end of the road first.  It’s a beautiful morning, 52° with clear skies, and no wind.

My map showed ann out-and-back on that north-south street at the end of the route but when I got there it turned left and followed the airport fence for a ways.  A truck was ahead of me and he’d let his dogs out for a run and was driving along behind them.  The road turn from asphalt to less than asphalt and I figured I’d gone farther than I needed to when he stopped and got out of his truck.  He just wanted to warn me that his dogs were basically friendly but would be barking at me a lot.  I told him I was turning around anyway so I didn’t have to test their friendliness.  

Now I headed east on Overlook.  Here are some photos from along the way.

I got off the pavement for short bit and when I got back on I heard and felt something in my shoes, something I recognized: goat heads.  I sat at a guardrail and pulled them out.

I continued on running east.

I got close to the terminal and stopped to see some jets.

On I went past the terminal.

The roundabout.

Now I’m getting back on Overlook.

I ran past Cape Air.  A friend and I flew that airline to Sidney, MT a few years ago to visit their brewery.  It was a 90 minute flight in a small plane.  We had lunch at the brewery and then flew back.

This is where I turn around.  It’s the airport’s fuel system.  In a past life I designed and built a few of these in Southern California.

Now I headed back west.

The Yellowstone County Museum is here.

This is where I turned earlier to go past the terminal. Now I just retrace my steps back to where I parked.

The run turned out a bit longer than predicted due to that road where those dogs were out for a run.

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Some final thoughts

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