Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Run 097 - Central Heights School Area

August 15, 2023

It’s supposed to be hot today, like maybe 102, but it was in the low-60s when I went out at 7am today.  I’m supposed to do a 3-mile walk with Jerry this afternoon so I will get a taste of the heat then.

Today I finished off the neighborhood I started on my last jaunt which finishes off the quarter section bounded by 24th ST. W, Central, 19th, and Monad.  I also dropped below Monad and did a few streets in that neighborhood.

I parked at Sacajawea Park

This car isn’t going anywhere.

Floating anyone?

A party house.

Central Heights Elementary school.

I like this plant.

The Lincoln dealer on Central.

On the west side of the school.

24th and Central.  A busy intersection.

Rimrock Mall, a place I haven’t been to in 20 years or so.

10 cents on Monday.

A penny a block later.

These folks need to clean their driveway.

Looking down 20th.

Look west on George Street.

They need a shorter RV or a longer driveway.

The west end of George has some rental units and, like this one, are well-maintained and quite attractive.

Off Canyon there is a short street named Winterpark.

Back on Canyon looking south.

A familiar sight for anyone who travels on 19th Street West across from the gold course.

The gold course.

I saw a dog getting a walk in the park when I got done with the run.

As runs like these go, this one was pleasant enough.  There was enough variation to keep it interesting and the weather was fine.

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