Friday, August 11, 2023

Run 095 - Finishing off a Section

August 11, 2023

Another Friday morning 5:30am run with Shelley on the West End.  I looked at my master map and saw that the section (a square mile) bounded by Zimmerman, Shilo, Rimrock, and Grand was almost completed if we ran some of the perimeter and a few streets inside it so that’s the route I planned.

On the way to our meet up I was traveling west on Rimrock Road, doing the speed limit, and saw a car coming up behind me, fast.  Sure enough, between Zimmerman and 38th he pulled into the center of the road and passed me.  A Colorado plate.  He had to be doing well-over 50 MPH.

We headed out with the sun just brightening to eastern sky at a cool 63 degrees.  There was nothing really eventful about the run but I did take some photos along the way.

The map software indicated a road on the east side of the cemetery but it turned out to me a graveled access road.  We ran it anyway.

Zimmerman and Grand.  That car just ran the red light.

The map said to run these short streets but the signage convinced us not to.

That was it.  A nice way to start any day.

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