Thursday, August 1, 2024

Run 192 - The Apartments

August 1, 2024

This a pretty simple run and sort of a ‘cleanup” run, picking up the streets that run through this huge apartment complex.  I’d been through here before but not since they finished the streets or expanded the number of buildings.

I parked at the church across from the new Rocky Vista Medical School and headed west.

There are several different apartment developments here and it has a very dense housing feeling.

Across the way is a new housing development that I’ll run after I’m done with this route.

A pool, covered.

Community garden.

I made it to King and turned around.

There is room for more development.

This is the big field to the west of the medical school.

That was it.  A short run but now over to the new neighborhood to the southwest and run that.



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Some final thoughts

August 4, 2024 The wrap up article from the press: