Thursday, July 4, 2024

Run 183 - Finishing off the Heights, Again

July 4, 2024

OK, I thought I had the Heights done but when looking at the city map I saw a development on the northeast end of the Heights that was in the city, so…here’s the plan:

I parked on Empire and headed out.

When I got around on Strapper I saw that new streets had been added.  OK, I guess I’ll have to runt them.

I ended up at Hawthorne and Mary streets.  I turned around and ran back and picked up a few out and backs.

This is the only house in the new area.

Now it’s back on the route map on Bowles Way.

It’s a loop that takes me to this intersection.

In this next loop, the homes have alley access.

I finished that loop and headed across Empire to do the Meadow Creek loop.

Finally saw some yard art.

Now an out and back on Bitterroot.

When I got to that street that turns to the left (top of the map) it turned out to be just a narrow driveway to some house and really wasn’t in the city.  So, being that I’d already added all those new streets I decided not to run it and turned around and headed back to Mary street.

I Mary I turned around and headed back to where I’d parked on Empire.

That was it for today, almost.

In looking at my master map, I’d noticed that I’d missed a street, Riley, which is just a bit more than a block long next to Wendy’s on Main.  So I stopped there and got that one done.

As of today, the Heights IS done.

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Some final thoughts

August 4, 2024 The wrap up article from the press: