Monday, May 29, 2023

Run 063 - West of Zimmerman North of Rimrock

May 29, 2023

It’s a holiday so I wasn’t surprised when Shelley texted yesterday and suggest a run today.  I got out my map and decided we should start working on the streets above Rimrock Road and west of Zimmerman.  We’ve run these in the past as part of hill training but it had been a while.  

We met on 38th Street next to the St. John’s old folks community and headed out on the route I’d marked on this map.

It’s all quiet neighborhood streets that sit below the rimrocks.  They are quite a few homes that meet the definition of “upscale.”  I have nothing exciting to report so here are some photos.

It was a very pleasant run with perfect weather, even though we trudged up some hills.  Here are the stats:

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Run 062 - North Park and Industrial area cleanup

May 27, 2023

On some of these runs, several blocks in an area get left because the way streets are laid out or the run I wanted didn’t need the extra distance.  In the North Park area there were 4-5 blocks that needed running but the rest of the area was done.  The same situation occurred just south of there in the city’s industrial area although most of the missing streets were in a sections together.

I made up a map that would cover all these streets and saw that it was over 7 miles, a bit further than we usually run on our Saturday morning outings but I didn’t have time to change it so I thought that the Industrial area night due for today.  

I got to our Rim Runner meet up spot and the walkers were there and only two other runners but those two like to do their own thing and aren’t interested in my project so I set off alone.  It’s really nice out and I just followed the map as I streamed some good tunes on Apple Music to my AirPods.  When I finished that first part I thought, “What the heck,” and did the North Park area, gaining me a bit over 7 miles.

The run felt pretty good, especially considering I haven’t run in a week and half, having spent the last 10 days on a motorcycle covering almost 4,000 miles.  Here are some photos from today.

And the stats for the run.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Run 061 - The College streets

May 15, 2023

It’s a beautiful Monday morning and I’d normally hit the pool with my wife nice and early but today I decided to grab a run instead.  We parked at Rocky Mountain College as usual and she headed for a swim and I headed out to finish off the “college streets.”  I’d run one, Harvard, a few weeks ago in my Tuesday run with Jerry and figured I’d hit the rest on subsequent weeks but we’ve changed our schedule and will be running at 4 Dances for the foreseeable future.  That means I should just run these today and get them done.  These are a block of streets just east of Veterans Park and they are named after colleges/states.  Here’s the planned route:

Off I went.  It was really nice out and the streets were quiet except when I had to run on Rimrock.  Here’s some photos.

What my watch recorded was pretty close to what the planning map predicted.

Some final thoughts

August 4, 2024 The wrap up article from the press: