Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Run 101 - Around Lampman Park

August 23, 2023

It’s a beautiful morning although a bit humid after the rain storm that moved through the area overnight.  Since it’s a Tuesday I like to get in the best part of 7 miles so I laid out this course:

This almost all quiet residential streets for I popped in my AirPod Pros and played some good get-up-and-go tunes.  I usually don’t wear them when I’m running because I like to hear the cars around me but it was really quiet on these streets.

It started at Lampman Park, an undeveloped city park on Monad, just east of 32nd.  I have a better photo of it at the end of the run.

The route was just east and west and then some north and south.

This building sits alongside the BBWA Canal where it goes under Monday. You can see it on the left in the photo above and the sign on the door in the photo below.

Wow, a pink house!  Pink has become a controversial color these days.

Some undeveloped land a block off King.

I won’t be taking any shortcuts through here.

I’d forgotten that Skateworld is tucked away back here.

I had to do a few block on King Ave.

I crossed 32nd and did a few blocks over there.  The route took me by this school.  Classes start today.

32nd and Monad.

Lampman Park.

The stats for today.

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