Monday, August 21, 2023

Run 100 - Around the Mall

August 21, 2023

Today was my 100th run for this project.  Wow, 100 routes in the bag and, probably, over 300 miles of street covered since the first of the year.  I’ll have to do a recap as my next post.

However, today’s run was a sort cleanup, getting some streets around the Rimrock Mall.

I parked at Windows Foods as I planned to do my grocery shopping when I finished the run.  I headed north to the corner of 24th and Central before running west on Central.

I had to do the loop around Target which is on St. John’s.

I got back on Central and just needed to where the bike trail intersects it near the BBWA canal.

Then it was back east, going past and around Stewart Park.

Next to Stewart Park, behind the mall, is the bus transfer station.  A few busses were pulling in as I passed.   I’ve never ridden the city bus and it’s on my list of things to do to buy a senior pass and go ride very route they do.

We had some rain yesterday.

There are lots of rules at Stewart Park.

That backside of the mall.  It’s not really a street through here but if it was it would be 26th.

I turned west to do Phyllis which is primarily multi-finality dwellings.

Who knew that Brutalist architecture existed in Billings.

I crossed the canal again, but time on Monad.

I love this sign as it makes me think of all the whiners who complain and can’t seem to make changes in their favor.

This is the Casa Village trailer park.  It’s pretty big but I won’t be running it as it is clearly marked no to.

I initially forget to mark this block of 26th on my map so I went out and back on it.  I don’t want any more leftovers than I already have.

Lots of boats for sale.

Back to where I started.  Time to get my shopping done.

My Garmin app changed its interface so my statistics look a bit different than in the past.  These are always edited screen shots from my phone.

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Some final thoughts

August 4, 2024 The wrap up article from the press: